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Energized by our mission? Becoming a mentor/tutor may change your life. Read about it here.
Or, contribute in areas that resonate with you!
Examples include: Video editing, PR, social media, etc.
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SEA Program mentors/tutors are ideal role models, provide positive reinforcement, and instill the belief in their students that they CAN improve and pass their classes.
Energized by our mission? Becoming a mentor/tutor may change your life. Read about it here.
Or, contribute in areas that resonate with you!
Examples include: Video editing, PR, social media, etc.
Contact us at
“Emily’s Gift: The True Story of Sherlock and Jackson ” is an engaging children’s book written by The Emily Shane Foundation’s Executive Director Ellen Shane. It relates a true story of her young daughter Emily’s dream of owning a dog. Available in both English and Spanish in the following versions: E-book, softcover, or hardcover.
For further information, speaking engagements, and author interviews, please contact:
Learn MoreESF Executive Director Ellen Shane is pictured with her niece Stella at Butterfly Magic 2019. At 13 years old, Stella donated $500 of her own money as her “Pass it Forward.”